Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The "Killing Ground" by Alan Savage

I enjoyed reading Alan Savage's fast paced wartime novel "The Killing Ground" , set in the Balkans during the Second World War. In the spring of 1943, the Partisans, comprising both fighting men and women had conducted a string of successful counter attacks against the invading German army. The Partisans were led by General Tito and spearheaded by his English lieutenant Tony Davis, and Tony's beautiful French mistress Sandrine.

The Nazis were determined to exterminate the Partisans for good and appointed to overall command Tony's old enemey, SS General Fitz Wassermann who was determined to avenge past defeats and the wound that left him a cripple. Wasseermann's offensive drives the Partisans into headlong retreat, and the pregnant Sandrine is captured.

However, the tide of war turns, and the Partisans stage a comeback in conjunction with the Russian advance into the balkans. In the confusion that is Belgrade, Tony manages to reach the German Headquarters and save Sandrine from the gallows.

A fast paced and enjoyable read set in the historical context of the German invasion of the Balkans during the Second World War

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